
Life Transformation Course

  1. Understand the causes of stresses, anxieties & dilemmas of life and ways to effectively overcome these
  2. Know the right way to get peace in life
  3. Know 3 main laws of life to get permanent relief from stress, anxiety, dilemmas & negative thoughts

Rub Your Magic Lamp

  1. This is an advance course after Life Transformation Course.
  2.  You can learn to harness your Spiritual power by practice and  realise the power that lies within you.
  3. You can learn and implement strategies to bring change in your mindsets to unravel your true potential.

Jr. Life Transformation Course

  1. This course is for the age group of 15 to 25 yrs.
  2.   Growth in self-confidence & concentration
  3. Transform negative thoughts into positive one

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